Abhyangam (Synchronized Massage) / Pizhichil
(Ayurvedic Anointing of the Whole Body)
Pizhichil is the process where cotton cloth pieces are dipped in warm
medicated oil and squeezed onto the patient body. This therapy is a
beautiful combination of two classical Ayurvedic treatments, Snehana
(oleation) and Swedana (sudation). The whole body is bathed in streams of
lukewarm medicated oil with simultaneous soft massage. More than three
liters of medicated oil is used in this therapy. Pizhichil protects the body from
illnesses and builds up immunity for a healthy life. It is very useful for
rheumatic diseases, arthritis, paralysis, neurological disorders, blood
pressure, and nervous weakness and helps to arrest the aging process.

What is Abhyangam ?
Abhyangam is known as the synchronized massage with the steam bath which is a refreshing and relaxing of the body massage fully and is one of the masterpieces of Ayurveda. The medicated herbal oils are picked freshly and the procedure is done by two therapists for 45 minutes in a synchronized manner. Depending upon the condition of the client the number of strokes and pressure would vary.
Benefits of Abhyangam
This massage is done to prevent degeneration and ageing. The seven position therapy will treat the body in a way that balances the Doshas. It reduces the muscle stiffness to free the body movements and relieve joints. It helps in good blood circulation which reduces the anxiety, circulatory disorders, fatigue, arthritic problems, backaches and injuries.