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Sirodhara (Continuous pouring of medicated oil on forehead) / Sirovasthi

Sirodhara is a luxuriant and easy way to achieve instant calm and rejuvenation. It involves the consistent flow of medicated oils on the forehead, specifically on the 'third eye'. This is the chakra point just above and between the eyebrows. It is said to be the seat of human consciousness. As the oil strokes the third eye, it has a balancing effect on the deepest recesses of the brain, stimulating the endocrine system, the pituitary and pineal glands (for hormonal upsets) and pleasure neurotransmitters (for depression or emotional insecurity). The lukewarm, medicated oils are allowed to flow over the scalp and through the hair for a defined period of time, creating a blissful sensation.

In Sirovasthy therapy, luke warm medicinal herbal oil is poured into a cap fitted on the head for 15 to 45 minutes per day. A leather sleeve is placed on the head of the patient and a band is tied around the forehead to keep it in place. Kneaded dough is used to line the inside of this sleeve and ensure that it does not leak. Oil is then poured into the sleeve and allowed to remain on the head. The length of time the oil should be kept there is determined by the physicians according to the need. This is a great therapy for treating paralysis, insomnia, and depression.


What is Sirodhara ?

Shirodhara is the classic Ayurveda therapy which includes the pouring of the warm herbal oil on the patient forehead in continuous stream. It is very effective to have sound sleep preventing insomnia reducing the stress. The word Shirodhara comes from two words Shira meaning the head and Dhara meaning the stream.

Benefits of Sirodhara

This therapy helps you to prevent from sleep disorders, poor concentration, memory loss, chronic headaches, mental tension, facial paralysis and degenerative conditions of the brain. It also helps you from hair fall and premature graying of hair.

Beneficial for

  • Relieving stress

  •  Calming mind

  •  Strengthening physical constitution

  •  Mental Wellness

  •  Improving memory

  •  Alleviating insomnia

  •  Relieving migraines

  •  Lubricating nostrils & throat

  •  Combating head disease

  •  Reducing depression

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